As millions of people stay isolated many begin to scrutinize every cubic inch of their home, they start asking important questions. How healthy is my home? How airtight is it? If I can get a “Bio-Weapon Defense Mode” in my Tesla, why can’t I get something similar in the place where I now work *and* sleep?
The business as usual (BAU) paradigm around homebuilding has been to provide little more than basic shelter and a degree of comfort since the demise of most craft homebuilding shortly after WW2 (fodder for a future post). Today, people expect, and are learning more about, what makes a home healthy, efficient, resilient, sustainable and long lasting. These types of homes are now often referred to as “High Performance Homes” (HPH).
Dr. Joe Lstiburek — The Dean of building science said it best: “A high-performance home is a home where people don’t get sick, where they feel comfortable, a HPH lasts a very long time, has very low utility bills, and has a light touch on the...
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