*adapted from a Dwell Development LLC article.
SEATTLE, WA (April 2021) – Residential developer, Dwell Development LLC, continues to push the envelope of sustainable design and green construction in the Pacific Northwest with the completion of their Net-Positive Energy and Built Green 5-Star residential building certification programs.

From design innovation to construction, Dwell takes an integrative approach to building some of the world’s most energy efficient homes. Positive Energy Homes are zero energy homes that are so efficient they produce more energy on an annual basis than they consume, leaving homeowners with extra energy to use in other ways such as powering electronics or even electric cars.
Positive energy homes represent a whole new level of performance with rigorous requirements that ensure outstanding levels of energy savings, comfort, health, and durability. In order to meet these requirements, the home is equipped with a 14.25kW roof top array of solar panels that produces a Home Energy Rating System Index (HERS)rating of -2.
“The key to zero and positive energy home building is to properly insulate and seal the home so heat and air are not lost through cracks in the building envelope,” says Anthony Maschmedt, Dwell Development owner.

Demonstrating Dwell Development’s commitment to new achievements in green building, this is Dwell's most energy-efficient home to date since completing Seattle’s first Emerald Star home in 2014.
Dwell Development’s holistic approach to sustainable building helps homeowners conserve resources and cut costs while also setting the bar high for other residential developers. Net-positive homes are the next step for sustainable building, and with Dwell Development leading the way, positive energy homes will become the standard.
View in the Team Zero Showcase of High Performance Homes.
About Dwell Development LLC
Dwell Development is founded in the belief that sustainable, efficient design can create a better tomorrow. Dwell has specialized in the design+build of high-performance, modern homes throughout Seattle and the surrounding areas. Each home is built to last, and designed with maximum comfort, urban livability, and health in mind. As leading experts in the field, Dwell Development constantly working towards the advancement and growth of sustainable design practices. Dwell strives towards creating the most energy-efficient homes in the world.
Learn more: www.dwelldevelopment.com