Heat Pump Technology Courses

The EEBA Academy provides a flexible and convenient way for the world's best high performance builders and their partners to come together to learn about building science and advances in sustainably constructing better homes. Learn more about the Academy here.

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Below is a sample of Heat Pump Technology courses available on the EEBA Academy:
* Create a free Talent LMS Account to take courses. Have questions? Reach out to: gabrielle@eeba.org

140% AFUE is Coming – Introducing Thermal Heat Pumps

New Thermally-driven Heat Pumps (THPs) have been developed as a packaged solution to provide both space heating and domestic hot water, achieving an equivalent of 140% AFUE in both lab and field environments and represent a new product category for residential space heat, being built by multiple manufacturers.

Instructor: Jason LaFleur

Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump Strategies

You've heard about cold climate air source heat pumps (ccASHP). Maybe you've seen a few installed. Let's look at some pros and cons of using this technology in challenging climate conditions. From a new construction perspective, we will discuss strategies for system design, installation, and operation.

Instructor: Shawn LeMons

Heat Pump Application & Design

This webinar will focus on sizing and application best practices for variable capacity heat pumps in new construction and low load spaces. We will briefly review fundamentals of heat pump capabilities and product types. We will also review basics of load reports in order to have a solid foundation for a discussion on heat pump applications.

Instructor: Kimberly Llewellyn

Heat Pump Water Heaters in the All-Electric Home - Builders share their experience

  • Installing HPWHs in new, all-electric homes.
  • Why builders are installing and love HPWH.
  • What are the benefits and challenges of installing HPWH in new homes? 
  • Are builders modifying their home designs to fit and take advantage of HPWH?
  • What are homeowners saying when they buy homes with HPWHs? 
  • Any lessons that can be applied to installing HPWHs in existing homes?
Instructor: Juan Fernandez, Leigha Dickens, Geoff Wickes
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